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Kid A Mnesia: A Book of Radiohead Artwork (English Edition)


Mientras se concebían, ensayaban, grababan y producían estos discos, Thom Yorke y Stanley Donwood realizaron cientos de imágenes. Estos iban desde garabatos obsesivos e insomnes en bolígrafo hasta lienzos pintados de seis pies cuadrados, desde collages de tijeras y pegamento hasta inmensos paisajes digitales. Utilizaron todos los medios que pudieron encontrar, desde palos y cuchillos hasta las tecnologías digitales emergentes.

La obra narra sus obsesiones de la época: minotauros, genocidio, mapas, globalización, monstruos, pilones, presas, volcanes, langostas, relámpagos, helicópteros, Hiroshima, casas piloto y circunvalaciones. Lo que emerge es un retrato profundamente extraño de los años a principios de este siglo. Un tiempo que parece hace una era, pero mucho permanece igual.


Detalles de producto


Descripción del producto
companion art books show the depth of Radiohead singer Thom Yorke and visual
artist Stanley Donwood’s decades-long creative partnership . . . Filled with
rare artwork, early drafts, poetry and even a glossary to many of their
inspirations, these works shed light on some of their more cryptic mysteries,
while folding in new shadows to consider– «Variety»

A celebration of the ideas, both written and drawn, that were behind the creation of the Radiohead albums Kid A and Amnesiac . . . Includes faxes, notes, scribblings and sketches that musician Yorke and artist Donwood exchanged in the run-up to the creation of two iconic albums– «INDEPENDENT»

The themes they [explore] (global warming, government surveillance, the corrosive power of the internet) are still strikingly relevant
— «SCOTSMAN» –Este texto se refiere a la edición hardcover.
Biografía del autor
Thom Yorke is a musician, composer and artist, best known as the lead vocalist and songwriter of the band Radiohead.

Stanley Donwood is a graphic designer, artist and writer. He has published three collections of stories and has worked with Radiohead since 1994, producing all the artwork for their albums and promotional materials.

–Este texto se refiere a la edición hardcover.

Kid A Mnesia: A Book of Radiohead Artwork (English Edition)

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